Three Things To Consider When Purchasing Packaging For Your Products

Posted on: 1 February 2017

There are several things that affect whether a customer purchases your products, and the product's packaging is at the very top of the list. That's because how a product looks can invoke emotional responses that even the customer isn't fully aware of, but that affect his or her willingness to hand over hard-earned money for the item. If you want to maximize sales of your goods, here are three tips for picking the right packaging for them.


Customers have a lot of things on their minds when they are shopping, so your product's packaging must be able to cut through the noise, grab their attention, and evoke a positive response. According to some studies, attractive packaging increases brain activity and sparks positive emotions. This is likely because we are trained to respond positively to things we find appealing. However, what your customers find appealing will vary, depending on your target demographic and the product itself.

For instance, parents may find baby products packaged in bright or soft-colored containers more attractive than ones with dark or somber colors because babies often represent hope and new beginnings—something bright and pastel colors can represent a lot better than dark colors.

It's important to do a market analysis of your target customer to determine the kinds of things they would be drawn to. Be sure to take full advantage of color theory when choosing the color scheme of your packaging, and don't forget to design the package to address any special needs your customers may have (e.g., large print for seniors with poor eyesight).


Once considered the concerns of a small fringe group of environmentalists, sustainability has ballooned into a big issue for many consumers these days. As resources dwindle, consumers want to ensure the products they buy are part of a system that supports itself to ensure there are enough resources for future generations.

To give yourself a leg up over the competition and do your part to help protect the environment, you should purchase packaging made from sustainable resources. For instance, buy cardboard boxes made from wood grown in a certified sustainable forest. These forests are carefully managed so trees that are felled are replaced with new seedlings, ensuring that there will always be a supply of wood.

Be aware, though, that this type of packaging does tend to cost more because of the additional effort required to maintain a sustainable system. However, consumers are typically willing to pay a little more for environmentally friendly products, so you can recoup the additional cost.


Continuing along the same environmental vein, more and more consumers are also looking for products with reusable packaging. Not only does this appeal to their need to be environmentally responsible, but reusable packaging saves them time and money.

For instance, some pizza shops have begun using perforated boxes that can be turned into paper plates. This saves consumers from using dishes that must be washed—which in turn saves water—and decreases the size of the pizza box so it can be stored more easily in the refrigerator.

Choosing reusable packaging for your products can attract customers. However, it can also provide you with additional avenues for revenue. If you sell liquid hand soap, for example, you can offer bulk sizes that customers can use to refill their smaller containers when they run out. You'll earn more money, and your customers can avoid continuously buying small containers they have to constantly recycle.

There are a variety of other things you should consider when purchasing packaging supplies for your products. Consult with an expert in the field for help and recommendations about the best packaging for you.
