Three Tips For Reducing Commercial Landscaping Costs

Posted on: 2 March 2017

Making sure that your company's landscaping looks good is important. However, the costs of maintaining your landscaping can get very expensive, and if you're operating on a tight business budget, you could be wondering if there are any ways that you can cut costs. Luckily, following a few tips can help you keep your commercial landscaping looking great while keeping costs in check.

1. Consider an Alternative to Grass

Grass might seem like the obvious choice for your commercial property, but adding sod can be pricey, and you might find that you have to pay someone frequently to mow the grass and use a weed whacker. For these reasons, you may want to consider looking into an alternative. "Desertscaping," or landscaping that is made up of rock, can be a better choice, especially in areas that experience frequent droughts. Then, you don't have to worry about cutting or taking care of grass at all. Artificial grass can be another great option, since it does not require cutting, fertilization, or any of the other costs that go along with "real" grass.

2. Use Mulch

Mulch is relatively affordable, especially when you buy it by the truck load. The good thing about mulch is that it can actually help keep your plants healthy and can help retain moisture, which can reduce the amount of water that you have to use to take care of your plants and can help plants survive longer so that you don't have to replace them as often. Plus, if you fill in your landscaping with mulch, you can add color and visual interest without having to buy or care for as many plants.

3. Choose Native, Easy-Care Plants

Even though you might like exotic plants at home, there is really no reason to spring for them for your commercial property. They can be much more expensive and a lot harder to take care of, and you may have to spend more on fertilizer and other products to keep them in good condition. Instead, consider buying affordable native plants that are easy to take care of. Not only can this cut costs, but it can reduce maintenance as well.

As you can see, if you are concerned about how much you are spending on commercial landscaping, consider these three tips. Once you implement them, you might be surprised by how much you will save. If you are looking for more advice, consider talking to a commercial landscaping professional, like Excel Commercial Maintenance, who can tell you more about how to keep your property looking great without spending as much money.
