How To Have A Sparkling Clean House

Posted on: 27 July 2017

Don't you love walking into a home that is not only beautifully decorated, but that is sparking clean, too? If you've realized recently that your house looks really nice, but that you also need to deep clean it, then you may want to begin making a plan. Some things you will be able to do yourself, and other things require professionals. Here are some ideas that might help you.

Make A Plan - Will you be enlisting family members, or will you be doing the cleaning solo?

  • If you are working with other family members, think about having a meeting where you explain just what needs to happen to get your house really clean.
  • Think of making a chart with all of the chores that need to be accomplished. Have different family members write their name next to the chore that needs to be done. 
  • If you're doing the job by yourself, make a schedule that will give you a deadline. Block days on the calendar so that you won't procrastinate.
  • For example, give yourself a certain number of days in which to accomplish the job, Write down that you'll do all the bathrooms on one day, the kitchen, including cabinets and cleaning out the refrigerator on the second day, and woodwork on the next day, and so on.

Get Professional Help - Of course, you and your family can do a lot of the work, but consider hiring different services for some of the jobs.

  • Think about hiring professionals, like Conscientious Carpet Care, to clean your carpets. They might look good, but are they really clean? Professionals have state-of-the-art equipment to deep clean the carpets throughout your house. Not only will your carpets look like new, but they will be sanitized.
  • The same service will more than likely be able to clean tile floors. They'll use special equipment to clean the grout and to make your tile floors shine again. 
  • If you have wooden floors, consider having them cleaned professionally, too. Gentle cleaners will be used that won't hurt the wood. 
  • Consider hiring professionals to clean hard-to-reach windows, too. They'll have long-handled tools and special sprayers that will make your windows glisten.

After your house has been thoroughly cleaned, consider setting a day each week to assess what needs to be done. For example, Saturday mornings could be the day that the kids clean their bedrooms and bathrooms. And, it might be very helpful to set up a service for professionals to return to clean the carpets, floors and windows on a set schedule.
