Steps To Prevent Or At Least Mitigate Water Damage From A Roof Leak

Posted on: 26 March 2018

Water damage from a leaking roof is one of those things that many homeowners don't even consider until it is too late. This is because the damage can go on for months or even years before you are even aware there is a leak. The following guide can help you prevent this scenario, or at least provide guidance if a leak is discovered.

#1: Plan for regular roof inspections

Being proactive and looking for leaks in the beginning stages is the best option. How often you inspect your roof depends on local climate and the condition of the roof. If you have an older roof that is reaching the end of it's useful life, monthly inspections are your best option. In dry areas, you may only need to inspect once annually before the yearly rainy season. For most regions, checking in spring before the summer storm season and again in fall before winter snow season is likely sufficient. You can do the inspection yourself, or you can bring in a roofer or inspection service to look things over.

#2: Know the signs of a leak

If you opt to inspect your own roof, you need to know what to look for. Signs of moisture seeping into the house, such as bubbling ceiling paint or water marks, means that it is too late and you need to get the roof repaired and call in a water damage restoration team. If there aren't obvious signs like this, then a visual inspection is needed. Go into your attic on a sunny day and inspect the underside of the roof. You shouldn't see any sunlight coming in, since this would indicate a leak. Water stains or mold growth on the underside of the roof , or wet insulation, are also signs of a leak. Don't forget to use your nose, as well. You can often smell a telltale musty odor if there is water getting in. Any of these signs means it's time to fix the roof and get water damage help.

#3: Have a damage mitigation plan

Repairing the damage as soon as you notice it is key to avoiding the need for expensive and invasive repairs. Depending on the extent of the leak and the age of your roof, the roof itself may only require a repair or it may need to be fully replaced. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of stopping with roof repair. You also need to have the water damage repaired, or mold may become a major problem in your home. Plan to call in a water damage restoration service to clean up any mold or mildew already growing inside the attic, as well as replace any water-rotted wood or insulation. This way you won't have to worry about more issues down the road.  
