Three Reasons Why You Should Never Leave Your Grout Uncleaned

Posted on: 27 July 2019

One might assume that considering the contents of grout (i.e, sand, cement, etc.), you would never clean something that is automatically, by nature, dirty. Furthermore, if the grout is holding outdoor bricks together, why clean it? Inside your home, where grout may be found on bathroom floors, on bathroom walls, and in front hallways where there may be stone instead of wood flooring, it already gets a good scrub from washing, showering, and household maintenance. However, there are actually a handful of really good reasons for grout cleaning, wherever it exists in your home. 

Mold and Mildew Love Grout

Mold and mildew love grout because all of the little, microscopic pockets in the granular grout are perfect for these fungi to set in roots. While they may not grow to the proportions of mold and mildew elsewhere, they still have several nicely organized "channels" between tiles and bricks to grow. They will spread up and down the length of the grout, and then side to side whenever they can.

In the shower, where you are trying to get clean, you are constantly seconds away from touching this mess. Having a professional come and clean your grout in all of these areas removes the mold and mildew, and makes it much safer and healthier for you and your family to walk on and be in places where you are supposed to be washing up. 

Soil Can Embed in Grout Just Like Mold and Mildew

Grout is a funny substance. It is part glue, part hard rock, and if you could look at it under a microscope, you might be surprised to discover how pocked it really is. In its pocked surface, which looks a lot like the moon, it collects dust and soil. The dust and soil quickly embed in the pockets of the grout, and the grout begins to look a little dirty. When you have a professional clean the grout anywhere in your home, watch him/her and the grout. You may be very shocked to watch the grout change color entirely as it goes from filthy to clean (or as clean as a rock-like substance can be). 

Cleaning the Grout Makes for a Healthier Home

Cleaning all of the grout in your home makes your home healthier. It reduces many of the most common allergens indoors, including dust and pet dander. It removes odors as it cleans too, making areas like the family bathroom smell much better. 
