Gift Ideas For Parents

Posted on: 24 August 2019

Although baby showers are traditional for a couple's first child, they aren't as common for the second child and beyond. In part, this is because it is expected that the parents will have most items that they need left over from their previous children. Of course, friends and family may still want to help out, but a baby registry may not be the way to do it. Instead, consider one of these ideas for a baby shower for the growing family.

The Meal Train

The days following bringing home a new baby are always a blur of activity, lack of sleep, and adjustments. This is even more true when there are already young children in the home. The new parents are likely having enough issues adjusting without having to prepare healthy meals for the family. Consider putting together a meal train or freezer potluck for the new parents. For a meal train, family and friends will each commit to providing a meal on a certain day, then they will bring the piping hot meal to the family at a decided upon time. A freezer potluck is a good option if the parents have the room in their freezer. For this, everyone makes a freezable dinner and drops it off with baking instructions. Then the parents can simply reheat and eat.

Only Consumables

Although the parents may still have big items left over from their previous children, like cribs and clothing, they likely no longer have all the consumable items they need. This includes the obvious items, like diapers, rash creams, and baby shampoos, as well as not-so-obvious items. For example, car seats aren't typically seen as consumable, but most families won't be able to use their old infant seat because these seats have an expiration date. Putting together care packages just for these items can really take the burden off the new parents.

Gifts of Service

For the growing family that has everything but time, gifts of service are a great idea. Providing babysitting services, even if it is only for the older children, will allow the parents time to rest and bond with the new addition. You could also offer to provide yard work or errand running service. An excellent option is to purchase house cleaning services for the family, at least for the first few months as they settle into their new routines. Some cleaning services even provide laundry, which can help the new parents even more. Being able to maintain basic cleanliness in the house when there are a new infant and messy young children underfoot can be a major relief.
