Why You Should Consider Having Your Upholstered Furniture Professionally Cleaned

Posted on: 21 October 2019

Upholstered furniture is difficult to clean because if you don't dry it out fast enough, it could harbor a musty odor. To avoid this, you may just clean spills and stains and avoid giving your furniture a deep cleaning all over. The best solution for keeping your furniture fresh and clean is to bring in an upholstery cleaning service. Here's why.

Regularly Cleaned Furniture Lasts Longer

You've probably had the experience of throwing out an old easy chair that was still in good structural shape but was so dirty and dingy that you had to keep it covered so it wasn't an embarrassment. Regular cleaning helps you avoid this problem by lifting out dirt before it can cause deep staining. Even though your furniture is protected inside your home, it can still get surprisingly dirty. Just like dust accumulates on your TV and coffee table, it builds up on your upholstered furniture too. Plus, furniture holds onto odors from people and pets.

You may have to get rid of furniture before its time if it isn't cleaned regularly due to its odor and appearance. When dirt accumulates on fabric, the fibers can be damaged, and that leads to accelerated aging. You might also speed the aging of your upholstered fabric by being too aggressive with spot cleaning, something a professional cleaner will avoid. Even if you like to change your furniture occasionally, it's still good to keep the upholstery in pristine shape so you can sell your furniture when you're ready to get rid of it rather than throw it out.

Why Professional Upholstery Cleaning Is Better

An upholstery cleaning service uses a water extractor to pull the cleaning solution back out of the fabric. Air dryers may even be used if necessary. The result is that your furniture is dry in a matter of hours so there is no risk of mildew or musty odors. In addition, before the cleaner starts the process, your upholstery is inspected so the best cleaning solution can be chosen for spot treating stains and deep cleaning.

You can have your sofa, easy chairs, and upholstered dining chairs deep cleaned to remove odors, dirt, and allergens. You might be surprised at how much better your furniture looks once it's been cleaned with professional equipment. You may want to schedule upholstery cleaning regularly depending on how much wear and tear your furniture receives. It's nice to know your furniture always smells fresh and looks its best, and you won't have to be embarrassed about ground-in dirt on the seats or arms of your chairs and sofa. 
