Does Your House Need Major Cleaning?

Posted on: 28 October 2019

Did your spouse tell you that his or her boss will be staying at your house on his or her next visit? Or, maybe your in-laws are coming to town. No matter the scenario, maybe you have decided that this is the right time to do major house cleaning. The bonus will be that, by maintaining the cleaning, your house will be ready for the holidays. 

Maybe you already have a cleaning plan. If so, go for it. Otherwise, you may be looking for ideas to establish a plan that will be efficient and thorough. With that in mind, from arranging for carpet cleaning services to doing other chores as a family, here are some ideas that might help you.

Get The Family To Help - If you have a spouse and children, that means you have helpers. After all, didn't they help to get the house in its present condition? Remember that even little hands can help.

Think of making a cleaning chart. For example, write down things like Clean The Bathroom, Organize The Puzzles And Board Games, Dust The Furniture, and so on. Then ask each family member to sign his or her name next to the chore he or she wants to do. In addition, you could work as teams. For example, while one person dusts the tall furniture, a younger helper could dust floorboards. 

Arrange For Carpet Cleaning - You have probably vacuumed your carpets so many times that you can't even count those times. Maybe you've even tried to spot clean them but without great results.

Have you considered arranging for professionals to clean all of the carpets in your house? They will have the training and the experience to do a very thorough job. Plus, the carpet cleaners will bring cleaning products that won't damage your carpets.

if there are stubborn spots that you haven't been able to clean, the service that cleans your carpet will most likely be able to do it. To start, they're more than likely first try the cleaning product on a portion of the carpet that doesn't show. For example, he or she will try the product on a small corner that is under a chair. if it works without damaging the carpet fabric, that means that the cleaner can proceed with the job.

The carpet will be deep cleaned, not just surface cleaned. When the workers have completed their cleaning, your carpet will more than likely look like new. Think of arranging for periodic carpet cleaning to maintain the look your carpet has after it has been professionally treated. Look for a carpet cleaning service near you to learn more. 
