Dirty Ducts and Their Negative Effects

Posted on: 26 November 2019

If you are like many others, you focus most of your attention on cleaning the things in your home you see. You clean the floors, the counters, and everything else that is in plain view. During a spring cleaning, you pull out the couches to clean under them and pull the appliances out from the wall to clean behind and under them. However, you likely don't give much thought to your air ducts, but you should. Here is information you should know about your air ducts if you have questions.

How can the HVAC system spread particles?

Your HVAC system pulls air in that goes through a filter, but the filter can only do so much to remove contaminants.

What type of contaminants can end up in the ducts?

Things that can end up going through your air ducts include dust, pollen, mold spores, dander, smoke, rodent feces particles, and chemicals used in products around your home.

How do contaminants end up in your home?

Contaminants come in your home from the air outside. They come in on the fur of your pets and on the clothing that you wore when you went outside. They come in on some of the appliances you use. They come in with the cleaners, soaps, polishes, and other things that you use around the house.

How can those contaminants affect you?

The air that gets forced out of the dirty ducts after it is heated or cooled will end up causing your furniture to always be dusty. Also, those of you with health concerns may see an increase in your symptoms. Dirty air ducts can also cause your home to develop an odor that is bothersome. The HVAC system can also be affected by an excessive buildup of dirt in the ducts.

What can be done about dirty ducts?

When you suspect your ducts are dirty, the best thing that you can do is to have someone come out and clean the ducts right away. Once the ducts are clean, you may immediately see positive results that are noticeable to everyone in the house. It may be easier to dust everything and your home may smell better. You might even notice that everyone seems to be breathing easier and not feeling symptoms of difficult breathing. In some cases, everyone may even seem to have more energy since breathing in things bad for you can affect your energy levels. Call a company like Magic Clean LLC for duct cleaning.
