Did A Pipe Burst And Flood Your Home For Hours? Find A Residential Water Damage Restoration Company Fast

Posted on: 14 January 2022

If you've had a pipe burst and water leaked for hours before you knew that there was a problem, you could have a basement, crawl space or area in your house that is full of water. Shut the main valve off to the house to cut off the water supply if you can do it and call a water damage restoration company if you want to try to preserve the items in your home.

A plumber should be called to come fix the pipe, and the damage restoration company will move into action fast to start pumping the water out of your residence. Here are a few reasons why you want professionals to take on this project.

Treat Materials Before They Mold and Mildew

The water that is left behind in your residence can start forming mold and mildew in as little as 24-48 hours, so with every minute that passes, you are putting your home at risk. You want the damage restoration service to act immediately to do these things to prevent mold and mildew from forming:

  • Use suction to remove the water from all materials in the space
  • Have commercial fans dry out all areas
  • Apply heat lighting in areas where it's needed

Once all the water and moisture has been removed and dried, the service professionals can start applying the sanitization products. Early water extraction will preserve furniture and carpet, stop wood from rotting and warping, and help preserve the space.

Clean for Bacteria and Mold

Antibacterial and antimicrobial cleaning agents will then be used in the space. The damage restoration company may apply the cleaning products in these ways:

  • Mist the entire area with fogging sprays to get into spaces like ducts and insulation
  • Spray and treat all fabrics and materials while steam cleaning
  • Coat the products on areas like concrete or sub flooring

This will help to ensure that the house is safe and clean to use after the water is removed.

There are a lot of different problems that can occur when there is a water leak in your home, but every minute that passes is time that you could be using to save the materials that you have and the things you own. If you are struggling to find a restoration company right away to deal with the water damage, try calling your homeowners insurance provider to get a recommended company to use fast.

Contact a company like Heaven Scent Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning to learn more.
