Restoring Your Water Damaged Flooring

Posted on: 2 December 2022

When a home suffers water damage, the floors can be a part of the house that will be the most likely to experience substantial harm as a result of the moisture exposure. In addition to being a major problem for carpets, this can be an issue that could impact almost any type of flooring that is commonly used in homes.

Removing Standing Water As Quickly As Possible

Removing any standing water from the floors as quickly as possible can be an important step for minimizing the risk of the damage worsening. Over time, more moisture can enter the floorboards or carpet fibers, which can make it much more difficult to correct. While a 24-hour emergency water damage restoration service can assist with drying these surfaces, you may want to start this process before they arrive. This can further limit the damage that may occur, but you should only do this if it is safe for you to be exposed to the water that may have flooded your home.

Using A Moisture Extraction System On The Floors

Drying the surface of the flooring is important for restoring the home, but it will not be sufficient in itself to correct the damage that may occur. More specifically, water could have soaked deep into the flooring, which could make it harder to remove without specialized equipment. A water damage restoration service will have moisture extraction systems that will be able to pull the water out of these surfaces so that any damage that might occur can be minimized. This is especially important for wood flooring as there may be many pores in these surfaces that could allow moisture to enter.

Treating The Floors For Mold And Mildew

Mold and mildew problems can be common issues to arise following water damage to a home. To prevent this from occurring, the floors should be thoroughly sanitized. It is common for mold and mildew to start growing rapidly in damp environments, and this could lead to your home quickly developing this problem even if the flood waters have receded. A water damage restoration contractor can have sanitizing solutions that will be effective at neutralizing these substances without potentially harming the floors by degrading the color or contributing to the flooring becoming extremely brittle. Without this step, it is likely that your home will quickly develop substantial mold and mildew issues in the days and weeks following the flood damage to the house.

Contact a 24-hour emergency water damage floor restoration contractor to learn more.
