When Your Toddler Gets Tipsy With Their Sippy Cup: 3 Natural Solutions For Removing Juice Spills From Your Carpet

Posted on: 1 February 2016

Your toddler most likely brings a great deal of joy and excitement to your life, but this age can require a lot of parenting patience. Considering that a large percentage of toddlers drink juice from a sippy-style cup, you may have experienced one or more spills out of their favorite cup onto your carpet and rugs. In these situations, you may reach for common carpet foams and sprays to remove the juice stains. [Read More]

Can Steam Cleaning Help Kill Bed Bugs?

Posted on: 22 January 2016

Although tiny in size, bed bugs are a big problem for many Americans. In fact, in 2011, one out of every five people either had an infestation or knew someone who did. Once in a home or commercial space, bed bugs can be tough to evict. However, steam cleaning may be one tool that can help you eradicate an infestation. Here's more information about this treatment option. Bed Bug Hate the Heat [Read More]

How To Remove Varnish From Vinyl Tile

Posted on: 4 August 2015

Vinyl tile is a great flooring option if you don't want the cost of ceramic tile or stone. In fact, if taken care of properly, vinyl shines almost as much as the solid tile options. But, if you're working on a project that requires varnish and you spill some on the vinyl, you might wonder how to remove it, so you don't have to replace the tiles. Using tarp or plastic can prevent these accidents, but things happen, and you might find varnish on your vinyl anyway. [Read More]