
  • 3 Key Tips For Hiring The Right Commercial Cleaning Company For Your Office

    If you manage an office with a lot of employees, it's important that it stays clean. A clean work environment -- after all -- can boost productivity and lead to greater profits. You can rest assured your office space will be spotless day in and day out when you take these steps when hiring a commercial cleaning company.  Ask For References  So that you have some idea of how professional and effective a particular commercial cleaning company is, you need to ask for references. [Read More]

  • Four Areas In Your Gym That Must Be Kept Sanitized

    If you are a gym owner in a cold climate, you are probably gearing up for a busy winter season. Once the leaves and temperatures drop and the autumn rains that eventually become snowflakes start, most gym owners see a lot more customers each day. That means more people traipsing in and out with dirty boots and shoes. It also means more germs on the equipment. Successful gym owners recognize the importance of keeping their gyms clean. [Read More]

  • 5 Reasons To Invest In Area Rug Cleaning Services

    Area rugs are a great and easy way to accessorize your home while making things more cozy and comfortable. Sadly, they can easily get dirty with regular use. It's important to take care of your home's area rugs so that they last longer and look great! If not, you may have an unattractive home. Area rug cleaning services, such as Schroedl  Custom Cleaners, are an easy way to keep up with your rug cleaning needs. [Read More]

  • Why You Should Consider Opting For Professional Grout Cleaning Services

    If you have a lot of tile in your home, you probably already know just how quickly the look of the grout can change. Even if you clean your tile floors, tiles walls and backsplashes regularly, you will see that the grout just continues to look dirtier and dirtier. Therefore, you are going to have to take more action than simply conducting a standard cleaning of the area. Before you attempt to handle it all on your own, you will want to consider hiring a company for the grout cleaning services that they offer. [Read More]

  • Saving Money With Professional Tile Cleaners

      Tiles provide a clean look to any house. However, even with regular cleaning, dirt builds up on the surface of the tiles and in the grout. As a homeowner, you may consider hiring a professional tile cleaning service to restore the tiles back to their original look. Professional tile cleaning services will extend the life of the tiles and maintain the value your house. Moreover, it will save you time from scrubbing large surfaces of floors and walls as well as protecting you from inhaling fumes from cleaning products. [Read More]

  • Tips for Setting Up a Cleaning Plan

    Do you feel like keeping your house clean is something you dread? Perhaps you feel like it is a never ending project. If so, consider changing your cleaning pattern. From setting a daily schedule to arranging for a commercial cleaning company to do the hard stuff, here are some ideas that might help you. A Commercial Cleaning Company  First of all, ask yourself if you have to do all of the cleaning chores by yourself. [Read More]

  • Pets And Carpet: Tips For Keeping Your Carpet Cat-Friendly

    We love our furry friends. All cat and dog owners know well the joy that's inherent in adopting an animal into your life. They become part of your family. In the U.S. alone there are over 36 million cat owners and 43 million dog owners. But animals are animals. Despite our love for them, they can wreak havoc on the house, particularly on the carpet. It can be especially tricky with indoor cats that spend all their time inside, stretching, clawing, and shedding their fur all over the carpet. [Read More]

  • Steps To Prevent Or At Least Mitigate Water Damage From A Roof Leak

    Water damage from a leaking roof is one of those things that many homeowners don't even consider until it is too late. This is because the damage can go on for months or even years before you are even aware there is a leak. The following guide can help you prevent this scenario, or at least provide guidance if a leak is discovered. #1: Plan for regular roof inspections Being proactive and looking for leaks in the beginning stages is the best option. [Read More]

  • 3 Reasons To Outsource Janitorial Services For Your Business

    If you feel like your office is picking a bit of clutter, dust or other cleaning issues that are starting to affect your daily workflow, you have a couple of options. You can make your own employees add cleaning to their daily tasks or you can bring in some outside help. Here are three reasons why it might be best to outsource your company's cleanliness to a company that offers office janitorial services. [Read More]

  • Some Things You Need To Know About A Pressure Washer

    There are many people who wonder what they can do to keep the exterior of their house clean without a lot of work. One of the best things you can do is pressure wash it. There are many benefits to using a pressure washer. Here are some things you should know. What Is A Pressure Washer? First of all, you might be asking yourself what is a pressure washer and how can it clean the exterior of your home. [Read More]